Kamis, 03 April 2014

Business Franchise Offers in Indonesia

Business Franchise Offers in Indonesia - SUPERWASH Laundry is cheap and franchise franchise business in Indonesia which offers a package of cooperation relative cheap , fast turnover and certainly advantageous due to today's laundry business is a business that is not dead , or can be said of the business with the prospect of a lifetime .
A more complete about SUPERWASH please click here or click the Franchising can also cheap

Excess Franchise Super Wash Laundry

Low Cost Franchise
Laundry is the first and largest low cost in Indonesia . Only with min package can open the laundry franchise .

Trained and Professional Team
Support team and management team that has been trained . Surely professionals in their field , so it does not reduce the quality .

Production of raw materials alone
SUPERWASH use and produce their own raw materials . The raw materials are environmentally friendly and safe to use .

Complete service facility .
SUPERWASH provide helmets laundry facilities , room rugs , laundry or dry cleaning unit , which is not found in other competitors .

Laundry Business promising
Laundry is a business that is not seasonal , so it will still be required and will be a basic requirement for the future .

BEP relatively fast
BEP turnover or laundry package will be relatively rapid , with estimates of between 7-8 months .

SOP that has been tested
SOP we 've passed the standard test and is very easy to apply because it is a proven system running .

Customer Relationship Management
We will help as long as the contract goes , always give insert , promo , and sharing the development of the workshop .

Strategy and Marketing & Business Development
Always have marketing strategies that will support the development of workshops and will increase the turnover of the workshop .

Using a computerized system
With the software SUPERWASH very easy to apply and of course all of the employees are also easy to use .